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爷爷奶奶 Day

Two students with gr和parentrs

感谢我们的 爷爷奶奶 for your legacy of love, 智慧, 和牺牲.

每年, the Central Catholic Community invites the gr和parents of freshmen to attend a very special afternoon with their gr和children.

爷爷奶奶 are invited to enjoy lunch at the school 和 share in the spirit 和 talents of our students. T我们的 are available after the luncheon for those interested in seeing their gr和children's school.

For more information, please contact 夫人. Jennifer Plouffe, Associate Director of Advancement, jplouffe@centralcatholic.网, 978-682-0260 ext. 638.
Student 和 gr和parent getting photos taken
Student 和 gr和parent
Student 和 gr和parent holding up a sweatshirt
Student 和 gr和mother
Student 和 gr和mother

Class of 2027 Freshman 爷爷奶奶 Day

制作礼物 in Honor of Your Gr和child

We invite you to consider making a financial, philanthropic gift to Central Catholic in honor of your gr和child or gr和children so that CCHS can continue to pass on its blessings to all gr和kids - y我们的, 我们的, the generations to come. 

Your gr和child or gr和children will receive a special message letting them know of your thoughtful gift made in their honor. 的 nature 和 size of the gift will not be included in the message.

Freshman 爷爷奶奶 Day Photo Album

Class of 2027: 10月11日, 2023

Gr和parent Memories

Thank you to all those families who sent in photos of freshmen with their gr和parents!

Gr和son with his gr和mothers
